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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Program?

The H2F System is the Army’s primary investment in Soldier readiness and lethality, optimal physical and non-physical performance, reduced injury rates, improved rehabilitation after injury, and increased overall effectiveness of the Total Army. The system empowers and equips Soldiers to take charge of their health, fitness, and well-being in order to optimize individual performance, while preventing injury and disease.

What is the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)?

The ACFT is the Army's new PT test that better connects fitness with combat readiness for all Soldiers. It is comprised of six (6) movements: the 3-Repitition Max Deadlift, the Standing Power Throw, the Hand Release Push-Up (with Arm Extension), the Sprint-Drag-Carry, the Plank, and the 2 Mile Run.

Is the ACFT the only component of the Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F System)?

The ACFT is only one aspect of the Holistic Health and Fitness System. H2F is a multifaceted strategy to not only ace the ACFT, but improve Soldier individual wellness. The well-rounded components of H2F include: physical training, proper sleep and nutrition, and mental and spiritual readiness. All components are equally important. The ACFT falls under the physical training component, but the H2F system recognized 4 more equally important components.

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